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PHO-111: Home

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Getting Started

Following the six step Information Search Process (ISP) will save time and keep you organized through all phases of any research assignment.

  • Understand the Assignment: Understand the specifics including length of paper, topic options/instructions, citation style and resources permitted before beginning topic selection, research or any other part of the assignment.
  • Select a Topic: Think about what the assignment guidelines are and choose something that is interesting to you.
  • Explore your Topic: Take your topic and narrow it down to what you want to focus on, normally a few main points.
  • Develop a Thesis/Specific Purpose Statement: Decide your objective so you can inform the readers about what you will discuss.
  • Research: Work within the assignment guidelines to decide on appropriate resources. Keep track of your citations as you go.
  • Present your Research: Using your research and critical thinking skills, write your essay, paper, presentation, etc.


This Library Information Literacy video, as well as the tutorials below, will help with your research assignments - everything from choosing a topic to finding resources, research, citation information and more.

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