Getting Started |
You will need an active CCC Library Card and a college email address.
For assistance, contact InterLibrary Loan at (856) 227-7200, ext 4407 or email Isabel Gray at
Before making a book, audiobook, dvd or video request...
Before making an article request...
Start Your Research |
Making a Request |
To request a book, audiobook, dvd or video, click here and fill out the form.
To request an article from a journal, magazine, newspaper, etc., click here and fill out the form.
Item Arrival...
Important Information about ILL...
PLEASE NOTE: Any items that you have borrowed are subject to recall by the lending library at any time, even before the due date. If you are contacted, please return the items promptly.
Renewing Items |
It is important to understand that these items are on loan to Camden County College from other libraries throughout the state. Some libraries are willing to grant renewals, while others will not allow renewals of materials that they have lent to other libraries.