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Citation tool to help with your Works Cited or References pages.

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MLA Citations

APA Citations

Chicago Citations

Verbal Citations

Verbal citations are telling the audience your sources in a speech or presentation

Why use verbal citations?

  • provides your audience with information about the credibility of the information you used to research your topic
  • adds credibility
  • shows your work
  • avoids plagiarism by giving credit to others for their work/ideas

Verbal Citations Tutorial



Plagiarism is using someone’s work or ideas without acknowledging them. This includes using their words, pictures, images or ideas as if they are your own.

Excelsior Online Writing Lab (OWL) - Avoiding Plagiarism - this includes information on what is and is not plagiarism as well as how to avoid it

Types of Plagiarism     

Intentional is obvious – copying information word for word or summarizing without giving credit, making up information or presenting work or ideas as your own (including ChatGPT and other AI chatbots) and not giving them credit.

Unintentional plagiarism is the most common and done accidentally. This includes not using proper citations, not using quotation marks, poor summarizing, reusing your own paper or forgetting to cite your sources.

What Plagiarism is Not

  • Common knowledge
  • Your own personal experiences, opinions, interpretations or beliefs
  • Your original artwork, photographs, videos or writings

How Do I Avoid Plagiarism?

  • Do not procrastinate or take shortcuts
  • Do not cut and paste portions of articles or websites
  • Understand how to paraphrase
  • Follow proper citation rules
  • Know the citation format required by your instructor (MLA, APA, etc.)

The CCC Policy on Plagiarism is found under the Academic Honesty Guidelines in the Student Handbook. A small sample of some of the violations include...

Turning in a written, oral or computer based
assignment that is not his/her own (labs, art proj
ects, homework, prewritten or work down-load
ed from the internet).

Failing to give credit for ideas and material taken
from others, either written, oral or computer

based, using accepted academic methods.