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BIO-106: Home


Getting Started

Following the six step Information Search Process (ISP) will save time and keep you organized through all phases of any research assignment.

  • Understand the Assignment: Understand the specifics including length of paper, topic options/instructions, citation style and resources permitted before beginning topic selection, research or any other part of the assignment.
  • Select a Topic: Think about what the assignment guidelines are and choose something that is interesting to you.
  • Explore your Topic: Take your topic and narrow it down to what you want to focus on, normally a few main points.
  • Develop a Thesis/Specific Purpose Statement: Decide your objective so you can inform the readers about what you will discuss.
  • Research: Work within the assignment guidelines to decide on appropriate resources. Keep track of your citations as you go.
  • Present your Research: Using your research and critical thinking skills, write your essay, paper, presentation, etc.


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Useful Videos

Hetch Hetchy: To Restore or Not - PBS NewsHour correspondent Spencer Michels and producer Catherine Wise segment about the environmental debate over Hetch Hetchy. KQEDondemand on November 11, 2011.

Discover Hetch Hetchy with Harrison Ford - Harrison Ford tells the unfortunate story of Hetch Hetchy's flooding and the campaign to return the valley to Yosemite and the American people. Interviews include Interior Secretary Don Hodel, Senator Lois Wolk, Pulitzer Prize winner Tom Philp, historian Al Runte, and conservationists Tom Graff, Nancy Ryan, Ann Hayden, Ron Good, Mike Marshall and Spreck Rosekrans. Produced and directed by David Vassar and Sally Kaplan of Backcountry Pictures with special assistance from Jennifer Witherspoon.

Hetch Hetchy Water System - Legendary Past, Visionary Future - This SF Water Power Sewer video gives viewers an overview of the Hetch Hetchy Water System that provides water for San Francisco and other parts of the Bay Area. It recounts the beginnings of the system following the 1906 earthquake and has some great footage of old San Francisco.

Hetch Hetchy - Yosemite's Lost Valley - Part 1 of 3 - This is the first half of the complete video created by Restore Hetch Hetchy in 2003. After viewing this video, be sure to view Part 2.

Hetch Hetchy - Yosemite's Lost Valley - Part 2 of 3 - This is the second half of the complete video created by Restore Hetch Hetchy in 2003. Note: Part 3 is the Closing Credits.

View a list of videos on YouTube about Hetch Hetchy by clicking here.




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