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Biomedical Ethics & PHL-232

Getting Started

Following the six step Information Search Process (ISP) will save time and keep you organized through all phases of any research assignment.

  • Understand the Assignment: Understand the specifics including length of paper, topic options/instructions, citation style and resources permitted before beginning topic selection, research or any other part of the assignment.
  • Select a Topic: Think about what the assignment guidelines are and choose something that is interesting to you.
  • Explore your Topic: Take your topic and narrow it down to what you want to focus on, normally a few main points.
  • Develop a Thesis/Specific Purpose Statement: Decide your objective so you can inform the readers about what you will discuss.
  • Research: Work within the assignment guidelines to decide on appropriate resources. Keep track of your citations as you go.
  • Present your Research: Using your research and critical thinking skills, write your essay, paper, presentation, etc.


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Useful Websites & Blogs
University of Pennsylvania's Center for Bioethics - A leader in bioethics research and its deployment in the ethical, efficient, and compassionate practice of the life sciences and medicine. blog - collects news and analysis from among hundreds of sources, linking you to news and commentary you might have missed in the day's papers and magazines.
National Catholic Bioethics Center - The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) was established in 1972 to reflect on these developments and to promote and safeguard the dignity of the human person in health care and the life sciences.
sciencebase: sci-tech news & views - Science Blog from science writer David Bradley
The American Society for Bioethics and Humanities - An educational organization whose purpose is to promote the exchange of ideas and foster multi-disciplinary, inter-disciplinary, and inter-professional scholarship, research, teaching, policy development, professional development, and collegiality among people engaged in all of the endeavors related to clinical and academic bioethics.
National Institute of Health - Bioethics - This is the National Institute of Health's National Library of Medicine, specifically the Bioethics Information Resources.
Center for Disease Control & Prevention - This is the CDC's Office of the Associate Director for Science, specifically dealing with Public Health Ethics.